When you have 7 boys, someone always needs a haircut. Usually several someones. So yesterday, I lined them up. When I finished, I thought about Aaron. He's had quite the interesting 'do. He's worn off the hair in the back of his head, and the anesthesiologist shaved the top front before putting in his IV before his initial lip surgery. So bald in back, fuzzy on top, and the sides were really long wispies.

I decided the best way to do it was over a sheet, and maybe right before his bath. I really wanted to keep some of those first locks. I have them for all the kids.

So then we got to work. His hair is so fine, that it really just slipped right through the clippers without even cutting.
So I had to take the guard off and use a comb and the clippers. It's a good thing it's so fine and sparse. I'm sure it's not even. But it's cute!
Here he's beginning to think this is all a bit much. Haircut and then bath begins to wear a kid out.
All tuckered out after everything. His lip is almost healed up. We go on Tuesday to the plastic surgeon for a follow-up. It's still a tiny bit swollen, but I don't think it's getting any bigger. I admit, I'm paranoid about it now. And his smiles are back!! I just love those.
He also popped through another tooth this week, right above his bottom one. None of the other kids ever got a top tooth before they had at least two bottom teeth. I think he's protecting himself. The very best way to calm him down when he's hurt is to rub that lower gum, hard. I've already told him that's not going to happen anymore once he gets another tooth there.
On Thursday, we went to Primary's Riverton clinic for hearing aid evaluations. He'll be getting his hearing aids in about three weeks. I'm really hoping this helps open things up for him. He's hearing, but not as much as we'd like.
Today in church, Aaron was just wonderful. Music really speaks to me and today's hymns were especially poignent. I have always loved "
I Know That My Redeemer Lives." It became special to me back in college when I sometimes felt so alone. I love the lines about Him being my friend and alwasy there to listen. I was singing it to Aaron when the third verse hit me, hard. "He lives and grants me daily breath. He lives, and I shall conquer death. He lives my mansion to prepare. He lives to bring me safely there." I will conquer death and Aaron will be waiting when I get to the other side, with the Savior there to greet me.

If that wasn't enough, the closing hymn was "
I Believe In Christ," another favorite. Aaron was watching as I sang to him. Again, it is a beautiful song with a beautiful message, but the look in Aaron's eyes changed as I sang the last two verses. "I believe in Christ; he ransoms me. From Satan's grasp he sets me free, And I shall live wtih joy and love In his eternal courts above." "I believe in Christ; he stands supreme! From him I'll gain my fondest dream; And while I strive through grief and pain, His voice is heard: 'Ye shall obtain.' I believe in Christ; so come what may, With him I'll stand in that great day When on this earth he comes again To rule among the sons of men." He knows those truths. He feels them. I could almost hear him saying, "Yeah, Mom. This is what it's all about. Someday all my pain and trials will be over and I'll be whole. I run and laugh and jump in your arms. It will be so much fun. But for now, it's okay. I'm good. It's all so worth it. Jesus loves me and He loves you, and it's going to be okay. Because this life, that's not all there is. There is so much more for us. And it is better than you can imagine."
Thank you my son, for being my teacher. I love you.
Aaron is a teacher to many people, and so are you, Rebekah! Thank you for your inspirational post!
ReplyDeleteHugs all around,
I loved your tie in with the hymns - you made a lot of good points! It is such a comfort to know that we will one day always be with our babies. :)