In the beginning, I made a list so I would remember to do everything each time he needed to be fed, every three hours. It took me 15-20 minutes to get him ready to feed, 30 minutes to feed, and then repeat just about 2 hours later. And when that apnea alarm went off, everyone learned to get out of the way, because I would literally go over the top of anyone in my way, without even realizing they were there. It meant he had already not been breathing for at least 20 seconds. Fortunately for all, he outgrew his central apnea just after his two month birthday.

What we didn't realize was that Aaron's airway was dangerously collapsing. Looking back, I don't think he would have live another week had we not gone for g-tube surgery when we did. During it, the ENT discovered the danger and he got a trach three days later. This has been wonderful for Aaron. Not only has it allowed him to breathe (small detail) but he could also use his calories to grow instead of fighting so hard just to live. For those who remember my other babies, most of them were about fifth percentile for weight on their first birthdays. Aaron is third percentile. But among T18 kids, he's actually 75th! Yeah, he's growing well.
Because his vent settings weren't quite strong enough for him, four days after being discharged, Aaron was lifeflighted back to PCMC from our home. But once we realized how much support he needed, we were on our way again, about nine days later.

Since the weather has warmed up, we've been able to enjoy so many things. And he has become much more healthy. In fact, except for his pH study a couple weeks ago, we have been out of the hospital for 13 weeks today. That's almost three times our previous record!

He's been to the library and the zoo.
We've gone to soccer games, movies, and even a baseball game.
And then tonight, another trisomy mom had put together a webinar with Dr. Steve Cantrell about our kiddos and their eyes. It was so wonderful to be able to listen in and then ask questions as an expert tries to help us.
BUT, on the other hand, there are so many out there who are not able to cuddle and hold their babies. A friend today, trying to get a grasp on things, was asking how many I know who've lost their babies over the past year. I truly have no idea. She asked, "20?" And I have to admit, I think it's a whole lot more. Trisomy 18 is not an uncommon diagnosis. One in every 3000 pregnant women will be told their baby is "incompatible with life." What is less common is to be able to bring them home. It is very uncommon to hold them for a full year. We have been so blessed to be able to start to enjoy seconds. Second Father's Day, soon my second birthday with him, and so many, many more, we hope.
I am also starting to celebrate (?) first birthdays and angelversaries with my trisomy friends. Tonight, we went outside and sent a beautiful green "Happy Birthday" balloon and bubbles to Addie and tomorrow we'll do it again with a red one for Emalee. Happy Birthday, angels. Fly high and send your mommies angel kisses.