Saturday, July 13, 2024

Michael's Birthday

Dear Aaron,

It's your Michael's birthday. He's 18 today. That seems so weird. 

I remember 33 years ago tearfully asking a family member if they would take our children if something happened to us before kids were grown. I was expecting your oldest sister, and the thought of not being here, but also leaving you guys without plans, was so hard. 

And now, now it no longer matters. 

I did worry about what would happen if you somehow outlived me, but figured it wouldn't be an issue. And I was right. 

But your Michael... 

You guys really did grow up together. He wasn't even four when you were born. He loved playing with you, reading to you, zooming you around in your stander or wheelchair. You loved to tease him. And frankly, much of the time he didn't even realize you were handicapped.

In fact, at one point, he was looking through his own baby pictures and asked how it was that we hid his tubes and wires, 'cause you know, that's what babies have. 

He carries you with him still, and I think you carry him as well. He wears your initial around his neck, and when he can't do that due to missionary rules, he's already got four different tie bars with your initial on them.  

And I'm sure you'll be right there with him on his mission over the next two years.

He's such an incredible young man, all you kids are awesome. I don't know how I managed to be so blessed to be called your mother. 

I wouldn't trade it for the world.


A brother is a friend given by nature.

~Jean-Baptiste Legouvé

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