Wednesday, October 2, 2024

So Sick

Dear Aaron,

This is miserable.

It's not Covid, we tested. It's not the flu, it came on too slow, but it's something nasty.

Maybe your old nemesis rhino?

But I don't remember feeling this lousy before. 

My body aches, my throat is raw from coughing, my nose is a faucet, and I've fevered. At 55, 102* is miserable! Fortunately, it hasn't gone up that high today. In fact, it's not truly a fever, 99.8*, but still...

Yuck. 😞

I guess the good news is that I think I'm better than yesterday, and hopefully even better tomorrow. A new quarter began this week at work and I'm starting it out way behind. Oh well...

And you're not here, which this time is a good thing. Daddy has been sick too but he doesn't seem to be quite as miserable as I am. You know I checked my sats. They haven't gone below 92% so I think I'm good that way. 

With no one but Daddy and me (and the dogs) it's been pretty laid back. Lots of soup, lots of liquids, lots of rest, just trying to get through it. Even going to the cemetery to pick up your things yesterday before mowing was really hard, like physically hard. Emotionally it always tugs at my heart.

And frankly, I'm feeling a bit embarrassed. I mean, you did this All. The. Time. And you didn't really complain. Plus you'd end up with IVs and breathing treatments and often no food. You did like the attention though. I don't think I would. I'm trying to hide away and just get through it. I'm actually hoping I can be back at work on Friday. If tomorrow is as much better than today was from yesterday, it shouldn't be a problem. 

But I'm still not hanging out with Sterling this weekend, or seeing the others. 

Nobody wants this. 

I miss you, Aaron. I came home from work early on Monday and have pretty much just been hanging around the house. Or in bed. And I feel like I'm at loose ends. I stay busy enough during the week that it's not as hard. But still, I'm glad you don't have to deal with this garbage any more. 

I love you so much.

Thanks for being an awesome kid, and blessing us with your life. 

It was truly a blessing to have you here.

My friend's comment keeps echoing through my head.

May his memory be for a blessing.

And it is, you are.


"The light that cannot be put out." 

SOFT Conference 2024 

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