Dear Friends and Family,
We’re going to try something we haven’t done
for a while, and have a family Christmas letter and card, or at least e-letter
and e-card. 2011 has been a good
year for our family. We have been
blessed and grown in many ways.

Matthew’s (13) focus this year is on the performing arts. He plays the trombone at Timberline
Middle School and is involved in drama. Next semester, he is looking forward to
Men’s Chorus and Musical Theater to his schedule. He also sings in the ward choir, adding a strong tenor voice
that the director loves.

Andrew (8) is in third grade and was baptized this year. He also sings with Westfield Singers and really enjoyed the experience. He’s now a Wolf Cub Scout and loves to play with his friends. He plays keeper and forward on his soccer team and is a real asset to them. He’s also getting really good at his times tables.

Michael (5) is in Kindergarten and loves to ride the bus. He’s learning to read quickly and loves going to school . This year was Michael’s first year playing baseball (t-ball) and soccer and he really enjoyed the sports. He is an awesome helper at home, and is probably one of very few kids who knew his upper numbers (90-100) before his lower ones.
(18 months) continues to inspire all of us. He enjoys his life and gives such love. While he spent much of his time last
winter in the hospital, he’s only gone in sick twice since last April. His nurses who come at night really
hope he’s awake to play with them.
He is still growing and developing, just at a much slower pace than most
children. At 18 months, he’s about
a four-month developmental age.
That’s okay. We always said
the kids grow up too fast. We’ve
had 1 ½ years of a newborn, and it’s truly a blessing to have him in our
Rebekah has continued attending “Aaron’s
Medical School” and now feels confident enough to ask the hard questions and participate
in rounds when Aaron is in-patient at the hospital. She has also picked up a part-time job doing transcription
to help make ends meet.
William is still serving as the chapter
advisor for the Order of the Arrow.
He’s also been doing some freelance work as an attorney. Mostly, he loves to hold and snuggle
Aaron. And it’s a two-way
street. When Aaron is struggling,
Daddy holds him and he does much better right away.
Our family has been so blessed this past
year, and pray that you know of our love for you. We have felt the love and concern and prayers that have been
offered on our behalf and are grateful for them. May this Christmas time find you well and happy.
The Petersons