Friday, March 21, 2025

From Nurse Holli

This was written by Holli, Aaron's main school nurse for seven years. She became a second mother to him and a dear friend to me. I could not have done half of what I did without her support.

Trisomy is a fight for so many with different chromosomal numbers, and situations.  One with 18 was for a special friend of mine. I treasured each day with him. Everyday was a blessing with him and the others that fight the fight having this disease. My Aaron was a special joy each day until it was not! He needed help to fight the changes going on in his body using assistance from people and  machines toward the joyful end of his life.  But even in pain he smiled and tried to smile to help someone else have joy. He brought me many days of joy, laughter and also showed me that no matter your circumstances you can always learn even without being able to speak and also be cheerful. 😊

Knowing his example of this disorder and learning from it and that he was a person with personality helps me to be a more humble and thankful for those I interact with in my life. It was a pleasure to learn and know this beautiful child each day. ❤️ 

You always think you could have done more. That's why you need a friend — to tell you you did all you could.

~Robert Brault

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