Friday, February 4, 2022

Rapid Response

Thursday night when they were
looking at his trachea.
Soooo, I started a post a bit earlier entitled "More Friends" because that's what we've been adding.  At a couple points we had ENT, Pulmonology and his attending along with Respiratory Therapy and his nurse in here.  And because it's a teaching hospital, ENT has about four or five involved.  Pulmonology always has two.  It can get crowded.  And at another time, we had Infectious Disease (ID) and Pulmo along with his attending and RT and nurse.  There's four of ID.  It was quite the party!  

So Pulmo has been trying to adjust his vent settings so he's not over ventilated, which isn't quite as bad as under ventilated but still not good over all for his health.  ID is involved because 1) one of his trach cultures grew out MRSA (not sure if it's a colonization or an active infection yet) and 2) he keeps running these fevers every few days that we simply cannot figure out.  Yeah, that was going to be the original post. 

Notice that's not the title.

I went down to campus for class today and when I got back, I noticed he was starting to work harder to breathe.  Not too much, but enough that we took another look at him and reversed some of his vent settings to err on the side of caution.  Now, the most drastic changes had been made the night before while the pulmonologist was actually watching his airway through a camera that was down his trachea while the changes were being made.  They're really trying to find the optimal settings.  

Then late afternoon, he popped another high fever (103.5) and it didn't want to respond to ibuprofen or Tylenol.  That prompted a "sepsis alert" where they pull more labs to check his blood and brought ID back in.  Even though we haven't found a specific infection, we all decided that with the fever returning that doing a course of IV antibiotics would be a good idea.  

Shift change and RT comes in to do his evening breathing treatments.  Um, didn't go so well.  By the end of his vest treatment (which he usually really likes!) he was in trouble.  He acted like he was blocked off.  His heart rate shot up into the mid 140's.  (Awake and playing he's not usually even much above 110.)  Fever was still quite high, he was working very hard on breathing, and his color was pretty deep red.  We bagged him, changed out the trach and I asked for the doctor.  The nurse asked if I wanted the rapid response team, and I wasn't sure.  I wanted to see if we could settle him.  I don't know if the nurses or the attending made the call, but someone called the team anyway, which was fine. 

So now we're in the PICU.  STILL don't know why the fevers keep coming back.  We've checked out pretty much every system except his GI system, which seems to be functioning just fine!  He's now sleeping.  I'm hoping to sleep.  Although to be honest, while the couch upstairs really wasn't that comfortable, the chair I now have is going to be even more challenging.  

I would really like some answers.  So would everyone else.  

"It is always wise to look ahead, 
but difficult to look further than you can see." 
Winston Churchill

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