This guy, he's going to be ten years old on June 13th, TEN DAYS!!!!
Before he was born, he only had a 50% chance of surviving until birth. What?? Isn't that when we start counting lifespan? And then when he was born, I was told he had about a 5% chance of reaching his first birthday.

Having reached that milestone, I learned that he had a 60% chance of turning ten. If someone had told me before that one of my kids only had a 60% chance of reaching ten years old, I would have been devastated. Instead, I was over the moon.
From 5% to 60% was such a huge leap. I really couldn't fathom that much time. Now, I can't imagine life without him. (Not that I could before either though.)
Anyway, here we are, ten days from his tenth birthday. And I will forever be leaving behind the days of kids in single digits. I remember being so excited myself when I reached the ripe old age of ten, double digits and all that.
We would love for anyone to send a video (he loves those!) or greeting or whatever and we'll read or watch them with him on his birthday. Because of the pandemic, it will be immediate family only here, and that's assuming that they're all well and the weather is good, because it will be backyard only.
Please, please know we're so grateful for all your love and concern and prayers through the last ten and a half years. He's not only our miracle, he's everyone's.
Compatible with Joy!
"The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly,
that it is a good thing to be alive."
~G.K. Chesterton