The last couple weeks we've been trying to get our feet under us. We came home in time for Joseph and Aaron to say good-bye, but just barely. Joseph has been in the Missionary Training Center (MTC) for just over two weeks and flies to Louisiana on Tuesday.
The adventure never stops, right?
It actually took talking to a friend to really help me figure things out. In retrospect, it all makes sense. He was probably dealing with some post-viral gastroparesis.
We've made some changes (again) in his diet. In an effort to reduce the amount of food but keep up with his calorie intake, I've switched from a 100% home blended diet to an organic formula for most of the time. We still blend some, but not as much. And so far, he's doing well on it.
He's back at school, having a great time. We've been able to taper back on his asthma rescue med. For a little while there he was getting it every three hours. Yeah, it was a lot. The last few days it's only been once or twice a day.
I know that doesn't sound real great. I mean, if asthma is under control, you shouldn't even really have to use a rescue med much at all. But for us, well, it is what it is. Breathing is just not optional, regardless of what he thinks.
Two days ago was Thanksgiving. And he was here, as were all my kids except Joseph. I really am missing him and all his help, but wouldn't have him anywhere else.

Yesterday was full of getting Christmas set up. His angel tree is in his room, up where he can see it.
Holidays are kinda weird for medical mamas. You're so grateful for each one, but mindful that even the close ones aren't really guaranteed.

Someone asked me not long ago when the time comes that I stop wondering if this (fill in the blank) will be the last. I replied, "when the one comes that he's not here" and tried not to cry.
It's hard, so hard parenting a child that you will outlive. It's hard parenting other children who know their brother will be the first one on the other side.
But today, today he is here. He is laughing and playing. So we'll turn on the Christmas music and lights. We'll play, sing songs, tell stories. And we'll be grateful. Grateful for each and every day, good and bad.
And right now, they're good. Very good. Fine as frog's hair.
Don't be fooled by the calendar.
There are only as many days in the year as you make use of.
~Charles Richards