This weekend was a wonderful one. Matthew had his Eagle Court of Honor and we had three Priesthood Ordinations. A very special thanks to everyone who helped make all this possible. There were so many who helped Matthew out on his Eagle Project by donating money, materials and time. He couldn't have done it without your assistance.
Being sworn in as an Eagle Scout by Jonathan |
Eagle Feather Ceremony |
Eagle Project Blankets |
David was ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood and the office of an Elder, Matthew was ordained as a Teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood, and Joseph was ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood as a Deacon. It was so fantastic. We had all nine kids under our roof at the same time, which hasn't been that uncommon this summer, but won't last for long.

See, David leaves tomorrow for BYU, and Mary on Friday. Deborah continues to work graveyard shifts. By next spring, Mary is looking towards a study abroad in London and David will be leaving on his mission in the summer. Last night, for our last Family Home Evening with everyone for a while, we played Phase 10. It was great to laugh together and kid around. I'll always treasure this memory.
Snoozin' at the Court of Honor |
Through it all, Aaron continues to light up our lives. He is "sprinting" off the vent for about 15 minutes each day. This week, we'll increase it to twice a day for 15 minutes and see how he does. I just was really worried about pushing him and having him land in the hospital right before all of the kids' activities because Mom caused him too much respiratory stress. So what do you think? Does he looked stressed to you?
LOVE the way these kids are standing up for and
waving to our local heros. |
A quick side note: Last weekend was our hometown parade. It marked Aaron's 3rd parade! YEA!! Check out his progress through the years.
1st year, 2 months old |
2nd year, 14 months old |
This year 26 months (and still
sleeping through it!) |
It is good to have an end to journey towards,
but it is the journey that matters in the end.
-Ursula LeGuin
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