Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Missing You, Still, Always...

Hey Superman,

It's been a few days. Frankly, somewhat rough days.

Gramma is still in the hospital and both she and Grampa also have Covid. Sigh.... Fortunately, they're both improving and here's hoping that it's just a glitch. We still don't know what's going on with Gramma but she is getting stronger. Are you part of this? Are you hanging out in the hospital yet again? I mean, you did love your "vacation home."

And they loved you, too.

Tomorrow is graduation, Aaron. 

Michael is graduating and we will be done with public education. It seems so weird! 

I mean, I guess it's time? Except it's not. I expected to be registering you for high school, for seminary, and although you'd still be in the same wonderful school, you would be moving forward.  And I'd still get emails and do parent teacher conference, and dance festivals and first and last day of school pictures, and, and, and...

And I guess it's not happening. 

You're not going to school here. Do you go to school there? Do you have recess? Run? Play? Jump, yell and laugh?

The quiet almost cuts like a knife still. 

Time moves on. 

150 days, five months on Thursday. That seems so long, and yet so short. I see your pictures and I'm gutted again, but I also smile. I'm learning that I can feel the grief and still be okay (mostly). I put together Michael's slide show and you show up quite a few times. You two grew up together. He was my sidekick for that time after Andrew started school and then when you came along, you joined and we became a threesome. 

Now you're gone, and he's going, and it's hard. 

Tomorrow is all about Michael. It's his day. But tonight I am mourning you, and your relationship with Michael. I think I've said before that it's probably good you went before he left. You would have been lost without him, kinda like I'm lost without you. 

Miss you so much, little man. 

Love you even more,

"Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."

- Kahlil Gibran


  1. The only time I met Aaron in person was at Costco and of course Michael was with both of you, full hands on. I had just lost my boy a couple of months earlier (that day was in June/09) and I wished I had have the opportunity to watch my children so hands on as Michael was with Aaron’s needs. I offered to help to get him out of the car and the big bro promptly answer that he could do it. 😌❤️ I could feel how much love was involved between them, and you all really!
    I imagine Aaron now as the “school teacher” as he is teaching the gospel to so many who hadn’t have the opportunity to hear it here. I am sure he is one of the best missionaries since he has such a very very special spirit. I hope he cross paths with my boy Neil and maybe they can teach together as companions even if just once. 🤍🤍🤍

  2. Beautiful post Rebekah. I still love reading your blog.❤️❤️❤️

  3. You write some of my own hearts words too my friend ❤️‍🩹 I also understand grieving the relationship he had with Michael. We miss our girl Kaela and seeing her and our daughter Hannah together. I’m so sorry….❤️❤️‍🩹
    Praying for your heart Mama xo
