We're getting there with this whole "social distancing" thing, hitting our stride (maybe, knock on wood, fast!).
Utah schools did an online "school spirit" week, and we mostly participated. Honestly, we probably did better this week than in the weeks the kids are actually in school. There was a crazy sock day, a whatcha reading day, pajama day (how easy was that!), email your favorite teacher day, and school colors. In one form or another, we managed all but the last one. Oh, well...
Crazy sock day |
Keeping in line with what the kids are doing, I started my own online class this week. I've got lofty aspirations to enter a Masters of Social Work program in the fall of 2021 and have some prerequisite courses to complete first. I managed to get a scholarship for one through BYU Independent Study, so here I go! My goal is to work in medical social work, seeing as how that's been such an integral part of my life for the past almost ten years. Wish me luck! It's been a
very long time since I was in the classroom and everything has changed!
Whatcha reading? |
Aaron is doing well. We're hanging in there. I find myself checking the news multiple times a day. I've decided I'm grateful that Utah only updates once a day. I know when it will be and check just after that.
On the plus side, I get to spend more time with my cute granddaughter. She is so much fun! And we've gotten more housework done, including moving furniture around to make this better for everyone. (Although my boys may not think that's so much of a plus!)
I worry so much that we're not doing enough. I know (believe me, I
know) that the flu kills so many more, but this is different, this is new. And it's quickly overwhelming hospitals and equipment supplies. The flu doesn't shut down elective medical procedures or cancel office visits, both of which have been done. And by the way, "elective" means it's not an emergency, not that it's just cosmetic. A hip replacement, a g-tube, ankle surgery, tonsillectomy: those are considered "elective." If it can be put off without risk of death, it's elective. And they're not happening right now.

Utah hasn't seen a lot, yet. I'm praying we don't. Andrew is supposed to be in New York City right now. Two and a half weeks ago, over 80% of the parents voted to continue with the trip along with one to California. With Aaron's challenges, we pulled Andrew out. Obviously, they've since been cancelled and no one has gone.
We've tightened things down around here some more. Our adult kids were coming over for Sunday dinner along with William's mom. That's not happening anymore, and I miss them terribly, and it's only been two weeks. We've tightened up our nursing. There was one nurse who was also a student, and when cases started appearing, I asked the agency to not send her until two weeks after her last hospital clinical, but now I've asked that she not come back until after this passes. The four I've got coming are all very careful about social distancing, and so are their families. We try to do the same.

President Russell M. Nelson called for a worldwide day of fasting and prayer today. As I ponder upon what that means, I'm reminded that we've seen miracles come about due to faith. We've seen them in our own lives, and also in scripture and the lives of our ancestors. I know my nightly prayers are fervent pleas for strength and courage and comfort for the frontline workers in this pandemic, for those who are fighting the virus themselves and for their families, for the doctors and scientists who are working tirelessly to find treatment and a vaccine. I pray for strength, for health, for us and for those around us, both physically and emotionally. And I pray for peace.
Faith is not without worry or care,
but faith is fear that has said a prayer.
~Author unknown
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