Deborah and Bronson are married, and it couldn't have gone better!
The boys from downstairs are now moved upstairs and the newlyweds are in the basement apartment. In some ways, that was more challenging than the wedding! Probably because there wasn't a beautiful fun party at the end. (giggle)
And now I'm sure we're getting ready for the next big adventure, but I'm hoping for a couple days of downtime first.
This weekend is General Conference for our church. Every six months we gather to hear counsel from our leaders. It's been a spiritual feast along with new announcements and some challenges. There's movement to bring more gospel teaching into the home, more towards a family-centered and church-supported ministry. I'm thrilled, and excited, and scared and nervous. For quite some time Ive slacked off in formally teaching my kids, and it's past time to stop pawning that off on others.
One of the challenges, probably one of the hardest for me, is to have a ten-day social media fast. Kinda interesting the way those thoughts have gone in my head. "But how?" "I can't." "What if I miss something important?" "What if someone needs me?"
Then, "what if I really need this?" "What if I follow the counsel of the prophet?" "What example am I setting for my kids?" "What blessings am I willing to give up in order to spend more time on Facebook?"
And these past five weeks have been beyond frantic. I've been barely hanging on. Thursday night, I broke down sobbing because I was so tired, and those who know me know that I just don't do that. Ever.
So yep, I need a break and that's the plan. As of tomorrow, I won't be on Facebook until the 18th. If I'm truly needed, I'll be accessible by text, direct message, or just good old fashioned phone call. I'll miss wishing my daughter "happy birthday" on Facebook, but since she now lives downstairs, I bet we can make it work.

Almost everything will work again
if you unplug it for a few minutes ...
including you.
Anne Lamott
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