They all agree that he's got a pneumonia, but it's starting to look more viral. There wasn't much at all that grew out of his trach culture and his white blood count was on the high end of normal, so we've stopped the antibiotics.

Today I pushed and we've done it. He's back on the type we use at home, although still using a lot of oxygen. Still, progress, right?
He's happy, he's playing, he's watching movies. Music therapy came by yesterday and he wanted that guitar. He was pretty sure it was supposed to stay with him.

Not sure where exactly things will go from here. He's tired, which means he uses more oxygen. (Seriously, kiddo, you're in bed, just go to sleep!) We just asked RT to come do his therapy and breathing treatments a little early because he's struggling to maintain on 15 liters, but we're not ready to throw in the towel yet. Fifteen is as high as the home vent can sustain. With the treatment, he's doing a bit better, but I doubt the floor will be happy to see us at this point.
So he's on a bubble, and we're praying that when it pops, it finds us either going upstairs, or maybe even down and out the door. Really hoping it's not a cha-cha: a step forward, a step back and a few to the side.
Sometimes, real superheroes live in the hearts of small children fighting big battles.
I just love him. And his snazzy glasses.