Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Unsung Hero

Hey kiddo,

I went by your spot today, that's nothing new. But we had a big windstorm that came through last night and today two of your pots of flowers had blown over. It grabbed at my heart to see them and I went over to straighten them. 

It looks like your Mary has come by. She mentioned that she had ordered some butterflies for you and there was one, gently waving in the breeze. 

Your four seasons prints hang in my office, done with your hands and feet back in 2015. I'm so grateful they didn't end up selling at auction and I got them back. And there's a windchime with butterflies in my other office. You sent me back to school and brought me to social work. It's fitting that there are reminders of you with me. 

Last night was Michael's wrestling banquet. It's been such a rough season for him. He barely even started, and I didn't even get to see him in person, before you left. And less than a week later, he injured his knee and that ended his season. But he stepped up anyway, running the computers, filming other wrestlers' matches. It was hard. He wanted so much to be out there on the mat; not at the table or in the corner. But he did what he could for the team. I mean, he could have just stepped down, quit. But he didn't.   

And last night Coach recognized him as the "unsung hero." He's an amazing young man, just like you are. I don't know how I was so blessed to have such great kids. You and every one of your siblings have blessed my life so much. 

Oh, Aaron, I miss you. Tonight as I got in the car after straightening your site, it just ripped me. I screamed, and cried. It didn't last long, only a couple blocks. But the agony...  It felt like my heart was breaking all over again, and my arms ached with the emptiness.

Most of the time, most of the time I do okay, maybe even just fine. But sometimes... 

I love you.

“Those who say that we’re in a time when there are no heroes,
they just don’t know where to look.”
— Ronald Reagan

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