Here he is hanging out with the family at Grandma Wiess's birthday party. He was all smiles and giggles. Let me tell you, this kid is the ultimate in "people person." He's kinda like what Will Rogers said: "A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet."

But then the next morning, Friday, he was kinda "off." You know, more restless, higher heart rate, that kind of thing. Sure enough, by 7:30, he was running a fever. And not just a bit of a one. It was 103.8. Yeah, I'd be pretty restless, too.

And waited....
And waited.
Now, Aaron metabolizes Tylenol and ibuprofen pretty slow. That's a good thing. It means we don't have to give it as often. But when 4:30 rolled around and he still didn't show any signs of the fever returning, I called the ped.

Yesterday was also a good day, although we did break out the albuterol. He's more restless again this morning, and we're suctioning more, but there aren't any funky colors in there.
So I'm not sure what's going on, hopefully nothing.
My little "people person" needs to take a look at his calendar. We have a family reunion coming up in the next few days.
Then just after that is the SOFT conference I've been looking forward to for almost five years now. If he wants to turn more strangers into friends, he'd better behave!
Such a funny monkey.
Every new friend is a new adventure… the start of more memories.
Patrick Lindsay
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