Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Reminder: God Has Blessed Me

Not sure exactly why this is on my mind, but apparently I need to get it out, so here goes. And yes, it's been a crazy, wonderful month. 

In short summary, a kiddo's 17th birthday and his final summer at home, a missionary homecoming, a wedding, a new grandbaby on the way, PUPPIES!! and Aaron is doing well. Lots and lots of family. But that's not what this is about.

I've found myself reminiscing lately about an experience (experiences actually) that took place almost 30 years ago, 1995 or so.

At the time we were living in a small town in New Jersey and William was working in Manhattan and they were really loooong hours. In fact, we joked that the kids and I lived in Jersey and he lived in the City. Reality was that many days he was gone by 7:30 (or earlier) and wouldn't get home until 9 or 10 or even later. It was hard, not single-mom-hard, but still hard. 

We had three kids ages three and under and grocery stores and other places didn't have the 24-hour thing and definitely not any pickup/delivery options. So I often found myself shopping with all three in tow.

Here's how I did it: I'd get two carts put one girl in the front of each, put David's carseat in the back of one, and then the groceries in the back of the second. I'd push one and pull the other and we'd go (sloowwly) around the little market down the road from us.  I'm a morning person, so I usually tried to get there pretty early, shortly after they opened.

Do you know who else shops at little grocery stores on weekday mornings just before school starts? It's not moms of school kids. They're too busy trying to get kiddos out the door. It's older retired couples. Little old people slowly, carefully navigating the aisles with their own selections. Theirs didn't resemble mine. I had bread and cereal and milk (lots of milk!) and such.  They often only had a few items. But here's the thing, and the reason I soon learned that this was the best time to shop:

They would see me and the kids and smile, and sigh, and say: 

"Oh, God has blessed you!"

That reminder, that phrase, has stuck with me through the years. And I purposely tried to shop during that time while we lived there. I never heard, "better you than me." (Yep, I agree, better me than you.) Or "You have your hands full!" (not usually said nicely), or any number of other more crass remarks that I've gotten through the years. 

It was "God has blessed you!" And He has! And I knew it. But sometimes, often, I needed that reminder.  I doubt any of them actually knew what their comments did for me, how they strengthened me. And how I needed it.

Because it was hard being at home with three (and then four) little ones while my husband was gone so much, being responsible for all the day-to-day cares and tasks (and accidents and illnesses) that accompany little people.  

I suspect that many of those angels in disguise have gone on now.  I mean, they were pretty old then. But I hope I've learned from them to uplift and help. I see frazzled moms in the stores or out and about and want to reassure them: "you're doing a good job, you are enough, He has blessed you." 

My kids have heard this story so many times that they chime in when we get to, "Oh, God has blessed you!" But it's a reminder I needed, and I still need. Life can be hard and messy and sometimes downright painful. But through it all, He has blessed me and continues to do so. And that knowledge makes all the difference. 

May each of you feel blessed as well. 

"At the end, it's not about what you have or even what you've accomplished.
It's about who you've lifted up, who you've made better.
It's about what you've given back."
Denzel Washington

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