Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Graduation Day!

I did it.

WE did it.

Graduation day is today!

I have to admit, I have mixed feelings.  I am REALLY going to miss my cohort, miss Fridays and all the discussions.  I'm not going to miss discussion boards, necessary evil that they are. 

This past week has been more relaxing, more puttering around than I remember doing for a looooong time.  I might even actually clean my house again.  

Aaron is doing well, actually went to the class with me a couple weeks ago.  His seizures have cropped up again, much uglier and nastier than we've ever seen.  They last longer and are now affecting his vitals, so we've increased his seizure meds and that seems to be helping, although not eliminating them.  So there is that.  

I took Linnaea on a train ride last week (Frontrunner) down to UVU. She had a blast! That girl is so cute! We've also spent time playing and weeding (me weeding, her picking flowers for Mommy) the yard.  It's fun to do the Gramma-type things and not be quite so busy.  

Nursing continues to be a challenge, especially night nursing, but we've figured out a system so I still sleep even with no nurse.  Aaron does too (usually).  

The sun is shining, summer is coming (here?) and life is looking pretty good.  I've got a job offer that I'm seriously considering and a few more interviews in the offing, but I won't start working until fall.  You know, having a missionary come home, two weddings and a kiddo's last summer before his senior year kinda makes for a busy time!  

So that's where things are.  As for my brain?  Well, I'm still trying to process things, figure them out.  That may be a post for another time.  (You've been warned.)  

But I'm so grateful, beyond what I can say, for the growth and opportunities I've had the past two years. The support I've received from family and friends, and my cohort, has been AMAZING! From people helping me figure out new concepts to nurses stepping up to help with Aaron, to my family who has picked up a LOT of the slack and probably felt abandoned as I lock myself in my office to get homework done, to the people who just believed in me, especially when I didn't believe in myself.  This is a team effort.  

One of the things I love about the social work concepts is that a person is not alone. They have to be considered in their environment and how that social system impacts everything around and about them.  And each person's journey is theirs, not someone else's.  I have been so blessed with an amazing cheer section! That expectation and belief that I was (am) capable!  

We did it!

I did it!

And today is going to be amazing! 

“You and you alone are the only people who can live the life that writes the story 
that you were meant to tell.” 
– Kerry Washington.

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