Monday, September 9, 2024


Dear Aaron,

Do you have any idea how much you changed things? Policies? Procedures? Lives??

How much you impacted others?

I mean, I don't, not completely, but still...

I was talking about you tonight at a family picnic for the Family Advisory Council and all the things you taught me, and taught others. 

Your life is like the rock thrown into a pond whose ripples go on and on until they touch the shore, and then come back again. 

It's not just your direct influence though. It's those I touch through your life, and those who touch others' lives who learned from you, and on and on and on...

The doctors who saw you live and love and thrive, who then are willing to take a chance on another child when they had been taught that trisomy kiddos wouldn't, couldn't live. The staff who watched as you played. The teachers who saw you academically outgrow your school. 

What a blessing to have had you here in our home, intertwined so intrinsically in our lives. Others watched from more of a distance, but you were here

Yeah, sometimes it was hard, I think for you as well as for me. 

But oh, how worth it.

And I would do it again in a heartbeat, even knowing now the pain of your loss. 

Because even with the unbearable ache of your leaving, I cannot imagine not ever knowing you.

I love you, Aaron,


 "Given a choice between grief and nothing, I'd choose grief."

- William Faulkner

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