Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Boy Who Lived (And Lives)

Dear Aaron,

It's your birthday! Happy Birthday, Little Man!

Oh, I miss you. I can only imagine the celebration you're having. I mean, one of the main goals of earth life is to gain a body, and you did! You did in a marvelous way. Some may think that's a strange thing to say.  After all, while no one's body is perfect, yours had some significant challenges, challenges that made it so even the basics of life needed support.

And yet, your marvelous, perfect spirit was able to shine because of those limitations. 

You showed us how to truly live and love. And I am so grateful.

Today (at least at the moment) the waves of grief are relatively gentle. The lap at my feet, my toes, sometimes splashing higher, but for now, not overwhelming. 

We are being carried, I know we are. Yesterday afternoon, a neighbor came by for a visit. Last night Holli came by as did my sister and a niece. This morning early, a sweet friend left flowers on the porch. And I know so many others are praying for us.

I suspect you are, too. I think you're probably close. Please stay close, wrap us in your love. 

What a blessing it is to be your mother, to know you, to know that you still live, just not here with us. That part will always sting, but I guess it's through pain that growth comes. 

My valiant warrior, my hero, my boy who lived...

I love you. 

Happy Birthday.


A trip through 14 years of birthdays.

Goodbye may seem forever,
Farewell is like the end,
But in my heart's a Memory,
And there you'll Always be.

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