Monday, July 8, 2024

Do You See the Stars?

Your Star, from Make a Wish
I looked for you tonight, outside in the stars. 

Twinkling high above, I tried to find you. 

Were you there? 

Do you see them, too?

The mountains curve around me, strong, stalwart, invincible.

I think I used to feel that way too. I don't really remember. 

Somehow, before Death came, I didn't realize how broken I could be. 

But maybe my brokenness can let the light shine through the cracks?

Maybe losing you refines me?

I have to tell you, refining fires burn, they hurt. 

But I guess you know that, don't you. More and more I'm convinced that the last 22 months of your life were more a gift to me than they were to you, giving me the chance to realize that your journey was nearly over. 

I love you kiddo,

“Only in the darkness can you see the stars.”

– Martin Luther King, Jr. 

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