
Monday, April 22, 2013

Spinning Our Wheels

We made it to the floor today, actually at 7:00 this morning.  He continues to need to be here, though, with no end in sight right now.  He catnaps all day and is fairly sad.  He's still needing his breathing treatments every two hours.  Plus, this afternoon, he's going higher on his oxygen again.  I think the lack of sleep is probably playing into it.  He hasn't had a good nap all day, which is pretty typical. 

We're now also looking into repeat labs and possibly another x-ray.  I'm wondering if his pulmonary pressures are higher, too.  They always have been when he's sick.  He's also had a low-grade fever today.  This virus just doesn't want to let him go.  And he's miserable.  But we keep on trying.

Courage doesn't always roar.
Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says,
"I'll try again tomorrow.”
― Mary Anne Radmacher


  1. Have they ran a BNP? That will let you know if his PH pressures are up. xoxo

  2. Hi, we have a little boy, William, who turned 7 in Feb, he has a mosaic form of Edwards Sydrome. He's very vocal but can't talk. He's very active, though can't walk or crawl. He has an amazing sense of humour, and will laugh when he see's and hears others laughing! When he gets poorly it keeps us on our toes, even colds can turn nasty. Virus' are awful, but as long as you maintain fluids, temperature control and some nutrician, along with suctioning secretions and monitoring sats and heart the results are a stronger immunity, and lots more smiles! I hope Aaron turns the corner soon and send you our prayers for many more smiles. I love the pansy poem and idea, it's so true. X
